

We're here - just super busy!

Here's what we've been up to:

Saturday/Sunday: Harper and I were in Northwood celebrating the 4th of July. We got to see a lot of family and friends. Harper spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa Nerlien on Saturday while I went up town with some friends. I had a lot of fun - maybe a little too much fun! Let's just say that I don't want to drink alcohol for a VERY long time! Harper watched the parade with Grandma June on Sunday - she enjoyed it. Harper stayed with my parents on Sunday night - which wasn't planned. I didn't feel well and I had to work the next morning. All I wanted to do was go home and sleep - THANK YOU mom for volunteering to watch her :)

Monday: I worked in the morning...Adam worked some overtime hours during the day....I traveled to Mason to meet my mom and pick up Harper

Tuesday: My summer class started...I went grocery shopping....Adam worked on our basement...

Today...I PASSED my CNA written and skills tests!!!!.......Harper and I walked in the parade for Wright Medical Center over in Eagle Grove - and now Adam and I are watching 'The Blind Side.'

I'll blog more later.....night!

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