"Everything happens for a reason..."
This quote is often used in a variety of situations and I found it so true this afternoon. Here's my story:
When Adam was finished serving his time in the military, he had two choices: 1. join the national guard for 3 years and be guaranteed not to deploy again or 2. go on your merry way, however be aware that you are 'on-call' to be deployed again at anytime for the next 4 years [also called Individual Ready Reserve(IRR)].
Adam chose the first option, to join the national guard. It was a difficult decision for him to make, but after weighing the pros and cons, he decided to join the guard. His three years will be up in March and he will finally be free of the Army!
This was a wonderful decision because they say 1 out of 3 soldiers get called back - a chance that we weren't willing to take. Adam just got a phone call from one of his army buddies today that chose to be 'on-call', and his friend got that unfortunate call saying he has to deploy soon. Even though Adam has to report to guard one weekend a month, which we both hate, it was worth every minute of his time spent in the guard! I can't imagine going through another deployment, especially with little Harper in the picture. So, once again, everything does happen for a reason. All those weekends spent in the guard have secured his safety here in the States.
On a lighter note, Adam and I are going to Tulsa, OK for a few days for a wedding. Adam's roommate and very good friend from the Army is getting married on Sunday. We are leaving tomorrow and coming home on Monday. We're driving a long 8 hours there and back! Harper is staying with her Grandmas for the weekend. We will definitely miss her, but will enjoy the sleep!
Have a great weekend everyone!